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Writer's pictureTeam Lily Cheng

Watermain Replacement and Local Road Resurfacing on Ellerslie Avenue

Contract: 23ECS-LU-01SU

Start Date: April 13, 2023

End Date: November 2023

*Timeline is subject to change.

The City of Toronto will replace the watermain and the City-owned portion of substandard water services on Ellerslie Avenue from Bathurst Street to Stafford Road. The City of Toronto is also planning to resurface Ellerslie Avenue from Senlac Road to Bathurst Street. The water service is the underground pipe that brings water to your water meter and is owned by you and by the City. The part you own is from your house to the end of your property, the part the City owns is from the end of your property to the watermain.

This project is part of the Council-approved 2023 Capital Works Program to renew our aging infrastructure, improve water distribution and reduce the risk of watermain breaks.


If you live on Ellerslie Avenue in a house that was built before the mid-1950s, your water service may be made of lead. Please read the attached fact sheet with important information about the risks of lead in drinking water, especially if someone in your house is pregnant, there are children under six years old, or there is an infant drinking formula made using tap water.


The City’s contractor will:

  • excavate the road and dig a trench to access and install the new watermain

  • replace any City-owned water service pipes that do not meet City standards from the watermain to the private property line

  • resurface the road


  • You may experience dust, noise and other inconveniences. The City will make efforts to reduce the impacts. We appreciate your patience.

  • The City will not be responsible for damage to any privately owned items on City property.

  • Work in the boulevard in front of homes and commercial properties is expected. This work includes removing and replacing driveways, municipal sidewalks and grassed boulevards, where necessary.

Work Hours

Work will take place from 7 7 p.m., Monday to Friday, with work after hours and on weekends as required.

Pre-Construction Inspection

​OZA Inspections Ltd., under contract to the City of Toronto, will survey all properties within 30 metres of the construction area before construction starts. The inspection will look at the interior and exterior of all properties to verify existing conditions. Although participation is voluntary, the City encourages all homeowners to participate. Without the survey, it will be difficult to confirm any claims of damage caused by construction. Affected properties will receive a separate notice to set up an appointment. All inspection staff will wear photo I.D. and carry photo equipment for this work.

​On-Site Communication

There are times when contractors need to communicate with homeowners about what is happening on-site. This could be about driveway access, water shut offs, pre-construction inspections, and site restoration work (landscaping, installing pavers etc.). Contractor's staff will be identifiable by their high-visibility company branded clothing and will follow relevant COVID protocols. If you need to speak with staff on the construction site, please ask for the Site Inspector and follow public health directions for reducing the spread of COVID-19 during in-person communication.

Important information for owners of sprinkler systems / heated driveways and private landscaping features

Property owners should remove items located within City property limits (boulevard) to avoid damage. This includes items such as landscaping (plants and pavers), decorative objects, sprinkler systems or heated driveways. If you have a sprinkler system or heated driveway, please contact the Field Ambassador listed below.

Telephone and Internet Services

This work may affect phone and internet cables for individual properties that aren't buried deep below the sidewalk. The contractor will coordinate with utility companies to minimize disruption. Residents who find their service has been disrupted should contact the Field Ambassador and notify their phone or internet service provider.

Water Service Disruptions

From time-to-time, the water supply to your property will be shut-off to complete construction; the contractor will provide notice at least 24-hours in advance. Throughout the work, it is recommended that you temporarily disconnect any water treatment systems (i.e. softeners or filters), water-cooled air conditioners or similar plumbing fixtures. Automatic lawn sprinkler systems may also be affected, therefore, you may need to water manually. In the event you did not receive advance notice, the City may have needed to use an emergency water shut off to complete work.

Substandard Water Service Replacement

Please take the time to read the attached fact sheet carefully as it contains important information on lead in drinking water and how to prepare for replacement. If you want to replace the private portion of the water service pipe, the City of Toronto recommends that you obtain several quotes before selecting a contractor. PLEASE NOTE: The City is not able to get involved in any contract to have work done on private property. Property owners are responsible for ensuring contractors do not interfere with the work being done on City property. Learn more at

Road and Sidewalk Access

In order to complete the work in a safe manner, there will be road and sidewalk restrictions within the work zone. Access for emergency vehicles will be maintained at all times.

Driveway Access

The contractor will notify you of any temporary restrictions to your driveway access. If your property has two entrances, one entrance will be kept open at all times.

Traffic Management

Road users should expect delays and increased traffic on nearby streets. Motorists are reminded that bicycles and cars will be sharing the lane. When driving, please be mindful of vulnerable road users. Traffic on Ellerslie Avenue may be reduced to one lane.


This project will affect on-street parking. Parking in the active work zone is not permitted as space is needed for construction equipment and materials. If your parked vehicle affects construction work, it will be relocated with no charge to the owner. Please call 416-808-2222 for its location.

Parking Violation Notices

Please ensure you park in a legal parking spot at all times. If parking enforcement is called to a street, officers must issue a yellow parking violation notice (ticket) to vehicles in violation of parking by-laws. If you receive a yellow notice during this construction work, please do one of the following within 15 days of the notice date in order to avoid additional fines or records being kept of non-payment:

1. Pay the parking violation (follow instructions on the back of the notice) or 2. File a Parking Violation Dispute with the City online, by mail, or in person (follow instructions on the back of the notice). As part of the dispute process, you may include the construction notice and/or other documentation related to parking impacts resulting from construction.

If you do not have a copy of the Construction Notice, please contact 311 to request a copy.

Please note: Violation notices cannot be cancelled if vehicles are parked in illegal parking spots (i.e. in front of a fire hydrant or in No Parking zones). In an effort to reduce ticketing due to construction, please exercise patience with neighbours who are experiencing construction impacts and may need to temporarily park on your street.

Accessible Accommodation

The City's contractor must ensure safe and accessible walkways and entryways are maintained for everyone during construction. Any temporary access disruptions will be communicated as soon as possible. If you experience a disruption, have a specific access need or related accommodation request, contact the Field Ambassador listed below.

Garbage and Recycling

Please follow your normal routine. If required, the contractor will move bins to an appropriate location and return them. Please ensure that you label your bins with your address.

Water Flushing

You will see water flushing or running in several areas along this project due to cleaning the new watermain. Before substandard water services are replaced and the new watermain is put into service, the new pipe must meet Toronto Water's servicing and quality standards. Please DO NOT DRINK OR USE THE FLUSHING WATER, it is not potable.


The construction work area will be restored with sod, concrete and/or asphalt where required. Interlocking bricks, flagstone on a granular base, or other similar features that are removed from public and private property during construction will be replaced. Lawn seeding and/or laying of sod will be done as needed during ideal growing seasons only - April to June and September to October.



If you have questions about this construction project, please contact staff listed below, if you need to speak with staff on the construction site – please ask for the site inspector, respect physical distancing and wear a mask.

Field Ambassador

Karo Oguma, 647-299-8601,

TTY Hearing Impaired Service

416-338-0889 (Daily 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., closed holidays)

General inquiries




Thank you for your patience. Building a great city takes time. Better infrastructure for all of us is worth the wait.


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