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Toronto Hydro Overhead Civil & Electrical Upgrade: Finch - Grantbrook
Toronto Hydro is upgrading the electrical distribution system in Willowdale to improve the reliability of our electrical service. This includes upgrading overhead electrical cables and replacing hydro poles on city-owned property near our lot.
Project Details
Project Name: Finch - Grantbrook
Project Number: P-235000-WD166004-007
Expected Timeline: March 2023 – June 2023
Project Area: The project area includes sections of Finch Avenue West and Ancona Street.

Phone Inquiries: (416) 542-3366
Project Stages
The design stage is when technical staff plan on how to get the new power supply to your home or business.
The civil stage is when crews dig into the ground and place new poles and underground conduits.
The electrical stage is when crews switch over the supply from the old to the new system.
Planned Power Interruptions
Throughout this project, planned power outages may be necessary when switching from the old to the new electrical system. Toronto Hydro will always provide you with advance notice of these outages.
Work Details
What to expect
While Toronto Hydro will make every effort to reduce the impact of construction on Willowdale, residents may experience dust, noise and other inconveniences as a result of the work on this project.
We appreciate your patience as Toronto Hydro works to improve the reliability of service in Willowdale.
Work hours
The work on this project will generally take place Monday to Friday, between 7am and 7pm.
However, some weekend work may occur.
Road and sidewalk access
In order to complete work in a safe manner, there may be road and sidewalk restrictions within the construction work area. In the event of any parking restrictions in Willowdale, advance notice will be provided by Toronto Hydro.
Tree trimming/vegetation
To accommodate the new electrical infrastructures, trees may need to be trimmed on city property. Crews will take extra care and precautions when doing this work. To ensure the safety of the crews and equipment, customers are kindly asked to refrain from planting landscaping (shrubs, trees, flowers, etc.) near Toronto Hydro infrastructure, as crews require unobstructed access to the equipment.
Safety Tips
Public safety is our top priority and everyone plays an important role:
Never enter a construction area marked by fences or safety cones
Be visible at all times and make eye contact with people operating equipment
Be aware of your surroundings and avoid distractions
Follow all safety signage, even if there are no construction workers around
Walk on the sidewalk or designated walkway
Ask for assistance to walk around the construction area if preferred
Watch your step! Always be prepared for unexpected hazards
Report anything that looks dangerous to a construction site worker, or call (416) 542-8000.
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