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Avondale Community Townhall Summary

Writer's picture: Team Lily ChengTeam Lily Cheng

Thank you to all who joined our first ever Avondale Community Town Hall. Residents were able to engage with City staff, ask questions and share ideas and feedback. Below is a summary of information shared.

Dog Parks

  • Glendora & Avondale Park are being considered for an Dog Off Leash Area (DOLA)

  • Funding needs to be identified to advance the necessary pre design/investigation work for these projects

*Our office can confirm that there is available section 37 funds within the catchment area of where Glendora & Avondale Park is located, for a potential DOLA

  • Although it may seem as simple as fencing in an area, there are complex criteria that need to be taken into account, such as: water, shade, accessibility etc.

  • Local dog owners’ leadership and involvement is needed, please email our office if you wish to join a Dog Owners Association

  • Please forward any questions to:

Doris Extension

  • The City is planning to issue an request for proposal (RFP) in the coming months to procure design services for the implementation of the Doris Extension, between Sheppard Avenue East and Anndale Drive

  • A subsequent public consultation will take place

  • Construction is slated to begin in 2025 and finished in 2026

401 Yonge Interchange

  • The primary objectives are to: evaluate a range of alternative solutions for a reconfigured interchange & identify a preferred alternative solution and begin to advance redesign

  • Transportation staff plan to issue and award an RFP in 2023 to select a qualified partner to support the City of Toronto with a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA)

Traffic Operations

  • The City’s Transportation department has made significant programmed improvements to address traffic related management and issues

  • Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) is installed in Community Safety Zones (CSZ’s) across the City. Currently 75 mobile cameras (3 per ward) that rotate every 3-6 months

  • Community Safety Zone (CSZ) designation enable the doubling of fines as well as Automated Speed Enforcement

    • Council has approved designation of frontages of TDSB/TCDSB, French Public and many private schools as CSZ

  • Red Light Cameras have been very well received and there will be another expansion this year

  • There have been speed limit reductions on about 500 km of arterial and collector roads over last few years

  • Local roads will all be reduced to 30 km/h; it is 30km until you see a sign that it has ended

  • A School Safety Zone is a designated stretch of roadway which includes school safety zone signs and a variety of measures such as watch your speed signs, improved pavement markings, flex signs, flashing lights, among other possible improvements

  • On-demand programs to address spot issues include: mobile watch-your-speed program, slow down lawn signs; school crossing guard program and missing sidewalk program

  • Service Requests for Traffic Operations typically falls into 2 categories:

    • Operational Improvements

    • Safety Improvements

  • Requests for operational improvements require an indication of community support before action can be taken by City staff. This could include consensus recommendations from a community meeting, a petition from impacted residents or results of consultation by the Councillor

  • Any requests for safety improvements can be sent directly to 311 by local residents or Councillor’s office (petition or other show of community support is not required)

TDSB School Capacity

  • Trustee Pei, MPP Cho and myself have been collaborating to get an additional school in Avondale

  • We are currently working towards building a business case for an additional school in Avondale

  • Our office is organizing to have the City of Toronto’s Planning department meet with the TDSB & TCDSB Planning departments to better coordinate school capacity to meet the needs and growth of our community


Settlement Agreement: 2-12 Oakburn Cres

City Legal Staff accepted a settlement offer from the developer at 2-12 Oakburn after a legal battle at the OLT. The offer was officially accepted at City Council on Mar 29th 2023.

Highlights from the settlement offer:

  • Reduction of storeys from 18 to 11

  • Reduction of base building height down to 3 storeys

  • Roughly 2 million in parkland payment (cash-in-lieu)

Read more about the settlement offer here: 2-12 Oakburn Settlement Offer

Settlement Agreement & Community Benefits: 48 Avondale

City Legal Staff accepted a settlement offer from the developer at 48 Avondale after a legal battle at the OLT. The offer was officially accepted at City Council on May 10th 2023.

Currently, I am working with the Developers to try and get community amenities that would benefit the current surrounding neighbourhood and future residents. Specifically, I am requesting that the developer put commercial property on the ground floor at the corner of Bales Ave and Glendora Ave, and potentially put a daycare at the corner of Tradewind Ave and Avondale Ave.

I think that we should be building 15 minute walkable communities where residents can get their immediate necessities in their neighborhoods. That means that when City Planning approves development proposals, it is important to plan and think ahead about what people will need when they move into Willowdale. I think that part of building an accessible and walkable neighbourhood is zoning for ample commercial properties (groceries, dance classes, offices, restaurants, etc.) and community amenities like daycares.

Highlights from the settlement offer:

  • New park at the corner of Tradewind and Avondale (834 sqm)

  • 5.50m setback on the southeast corner of the development accommodates a pedestrian connection on Avondale to the new park

  • 3.44m to allow for road widening on Avondale Ave

Read more about the settlement offer here: 48 Avondale Ave Settlement Offer

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